Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Oh No!

And by "Oh No!" I'm referring to this article regarding Maria Sharapova sucking in bed. And not literally, which would be more "Oh Yes!" than "Oh no!"

It comes as no particular surprise that a very attractive girl sucks in bed. That happens quite frequently. Trust me, I know. My numerous sexual trysts with supermodels have taught me nothing, if not that. The disappointing, and quite frankly disgusting, part of the story is the revelation that the massive douchebag Adam Levine fornicated with the fine piece of woman that is Sharapova. When I remember that he also hooked up with Jessica Simpson my head asplodes.


Anonymous said...

You asshole, he never slept with Maria, the only time they even met was at her birthday party where Maroon 5 performed. Both Adam and Maria said they have never slept together. And Adam said the tabloids seem to link him to every female celebrity he's been in the same room as.

EL said...

Sir, I got my news straight from Adam Levine's mouth, via the eXile internet site (http://old.exile.ru/2007-August-10/in_brief.html), so it's got to be true. eXile internet magazine is a beacon of journalistic integrity, so what say you now, anonymous?

So there. Now the onus is on you, sir, to prove that it didn't happen. Good luck with that. I'll be waiting.