Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Ironically LOL story of my bannage

Background info: The following post got me banned. The funny part is that Jack prides himself on his internet manliness, yet turns into a huge sloppy vagina when confronted with his own words. Of course, he has to immediately delete such a post and attempt to silence any criticism. I believe they call that, "Being able to dish it out, but not take it." I suppose it sucks to be a hypocritical douche. Anyway here's the post in its unedited entirety...if you like it, or if you're a spamming webcrawler, let him know how you feel at or at :

I have no idea where to put this, but since it's been made into a goddamn drama bomb I figure here's as good a place as any.

"How about instead of crying on another forum about something you come to me and discuss it instead? This is the third time in the last month someone has come to me saying you are whining about us on another forum. If you don't like the place, we're not twisting your fucking arm to be here.

You'll get all the shallow discussions, meaningless repeat threads and fuzzy reposted tits you want at WBW.

If we're too "dramatic", or "deep" or "creative" for you - no one is asking you to be here.

Continue polishing the brass on the titanic over there and leave us out of your discussions."


1. Someone told me that Ericlindros was crying at another forum because 0MG SPAM ISNT AN ACRONYM AND YOU FUCKERS ARE SO STUPID IM SO SUPERIOR!!!11 Nothing like crying about one forum on another and causing people to come tell me about it. Christ. If you don't like the place (all I hear you do anymore is complain, Lindros. We're too "family friendly" or we're not "edgy enough" or blah blah fucking blah. How about you go complain at one of your many sports forums? Is that edgy enough for you?)

Do I have your attention, Big Guy? Done crying now?

You want my attention? You got it.

Where to start? Oh, I don't know, how about getting your facts straight before calling me any names here, bud. Let's start with me "crying." Let's take a look...

I said:


I was basically sick of seeing acronyms for SPAM, because poor attempts at humor grate on me like nails on a chalkboard. Seems more of a rant than a cry, but that's not the real crux of the issue.

I would like to know where, exactly, I am demonstrating any delusions of superiority or dropping insults to this particular forum? Now, for a number of reasons, I ignored it here. First and foremost, because I don't read the spam threads here so it would be a little obnoxious to complain about something that doesn't pertain to me in the least. This is, by the way, also the reason I hadn't seen the Jack edict asking not to name them as such anymore. Second, it's not in keeping with the tenor of this forum to voice complaints loudly. Yes, I know your staged “fight” with Trust was supposed to show us that we can disagree, but, well Jack, you're a bit fucking sensitive when it comes to any criticism of VirtualShenanigans. So I try to avoid that. Further, I realize that I'm somewhat of a 'fringe' member here, as I'm not the most outgoing and active poster on this forum, and as such understand that it's best I not piss in everyones porridge here. Finally, had I meant to directly insult this forum and its members, I would have done so. I'm no shrinking violet and if I have something that needs to be said, it will be.

However, when that crap started spreading, much like dysentery in a crowed slum, over to Dub-ee-double-you (which, btw, is ridiculous that I even have to spell it like that to avoid being censored with some fight-clubby reference...but I've said that before, so that's not exactly a new complaint), where I am a much more active participant and moderator, I felt I had the right to air my complaints, and did as much. Now, the fun little part comes as it seemed to me, as there are a number of dual members, that whomever (in this case Demonicmale) was responsible for doing that over there had very likely picked up the habit here, so I thought perhaps if I were lucky enough to be extra persuasive, I could nip it in the but (at least to some extent) in both places.

Little did I know that amongst the dual-members are some awesome people who feel it's their job to act dually as playground tattle-tale and shit-stirrer. You, whoever you are, are the salt of the earth, my friend. Many thanks. The comments that I made were not meant to be taken as insults by anyone here, but, as I've already mentioned, there is some thin skin around here. If all you hear is me complaining, Jack, perhaps you need to take the fucking wax out of your ears. A majority of my time on the forums here is spent in the political/news/debate forum, as I realize there are some smart people with interesting diverse opinions here and enjoy interacting with them. If you need me to come out and literally spell it out for you you obviously don't know enough about my postings and sentiments toward this forum to be making such sweeping generalizations.

Now, be that as it may, that is ONE, and only one time I've even referenced VirtualShenanigans over there and even that was a veiled reference that only a handful of people would even get. I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about when you mention there are two other times that I've "whined" about VirtualShenanigans over there at all, much less in the last month, but never let the facts get in the way of a good flaming rant.

I admit that I have said that VirtualShenanigans is too 'family friendly' or whatever, as outside of a few forums it feels almost as if I'm a single guy on a couples cruise. I doubt I'm the only one who notices this, but up until now I never felt it necessary to actually come out and say it, but since there seems to be some confusion as to my feelings on this forum, I might as well remove any lingering doubts you may have by being as honest as possible, so as to avoid any misunderstanding. But again, this is nothing new, and shouldn't come as a surprise, and thus I wouldn't think my longstanding opinion is grounds for "all i ever hear you do is complain" or whatever. This has been an issue with me for some time, and I'm fine with the way it is. What I haven't said before, and I think, to some extent, keeps random people from participating here at times, is that VirtualShenanigans can come off, much like a high-school girls locker-room, as very cliquey. Again, not terrible, but as long as I'm being accused of trashing the place, I might as well bring up the things I actually do see as negative instead of having people just go ahead and speculate about it. As far as forums go, you can't always have your cake and eat it too. If everyone could there would only be like one forum on the internet. I'm aware that you're not 'twisting my arm' to be here and likewise you should be aware that I'm not forced to love every little minute aspect of this forum. I can take the good with the meh.

Now, what I find sadly amusing about this whole situation is that for someone who has repeatedly said they don't care about that other forum, you certainly seem to care a lot about what is said and what goes on there. I mean, look what was started by me addressing the title of a thread over there, and just throwing in six words that I hoped might have a carry-over effect. Added to that is the irony of someone who once prided themselves on being an internet tough-guy (my words, not yours) turning into a cranky forum admin who gets his panties in a twist whenever someone says or does anything that he feels or perceives as a slight, even if it wasn't meant as such. And what's more, I find it a bit hypocritical for a person who systematically criticizes almost everything about that forum, including the 'titanic polishing' comments above, to take such umbrage at someone having a negative opinion of THE TITLE OF A THREAD HERE. What the fuck, man? Now, I've never brought all this up because I realize that a good amount of time and effort is put into running this forum and cut some slack because of that, but enough is enough. Take a look at the big picture. In fact, in the event you ever decide to go back there, I made you an avatar that I think fits your recent role of theoretical forum revolutionary and freedom fighter, yet dictatorial ruler when in power:


Finally, before I wander back to polishing the brass on the titanic, I feel it's my obligation to let it be known that come what may out of this nonsense, there is nothing short of an act of a deity that will allow someone to dictate to me what I can and cannot say to whomever I feel needs hearing it and in whatever medium I feel is appropriate.

I'm also aware that there's a high probability of this post being swept under the carpet and my being banned as a result, however don't try to say I take pot-shots at people or sites unjustly, nor do I back down from the few comments attributed to me that I actually have said. I've said my peace, and I hope there's a better understanding of what I actually said and the circumstances surrounding it. I'm off to the titanic, you keep playing with your dinghy.
